Vie, 4 Mar 2011
Help build a revolution in learning
The organization TED, ideas worth spreading is launching an online Forum on education that seeks for a revolutionary chance in the way we educate people: “Every minute, three hundred new learners are born into this… Leer más
Lun, 7 Feb 2011
La difícil tarea de enseñar a comprender
Ya no es fácil para el educador abrirle la mente a esos pequeños seres que inquietos permanecen sentados en un pupitre, para hacerles comprender que para que una sociedad real, no virtual, funcione, ellos deben de… Leer más
Mié, 2 Feb 2011
The importance of using links in learning English
English is the language most commonly used in business, communication, trading and in several academic areas. For this reason, there is a vast number of individuals interested in learning it. Additionally, new technologies and the Internet have had… Leer más