Technology has become a key element in acquiring a second language and it is a must to catch up with it. Nowadays students are more familiarized with technology than teachers  and, especially the youngest ones guide us towards understanding top-of-the-line programs  and devices to be used in our classes.

The following links are some examples of basic things  we can do in order to foster learning more efficiently, create presentations, encourage our students to do something creative and of course, work on cooperative learning.

  • Free web page designers
  • Keep track of your favorite websites updating right to your email by using Google Reader for RSS (Really Simple Syndication)

PODCASTS ? Use them to download listening exercises and videos every week/month. Check these out!

BLOGS ? Your students can create a journal in which they will post everything they want to share with their friends, photos, videos, messages.

SOCIAL WEBS ? This is a wonderful way to keep in touch with your students, they can meet/interact with English speaking partners, play games while acquiring new vocabulary, describe pictures and share opinions!
·    Facebook:

·          Second Life:

·          Ning:

·          Twitter:

WIKIS ? Here you can assign group homework for your students to work collaboratively.

·    Wikipedia:

ENGLISH TEACHING ? An easy way to learn the language while having fun, these links provide interactive exercises, check them out:

The social way to learn a language, listening exercises, grabbing words to complete sentences, matching pictures, etc.

OTHER ? Don’t miss this:

Hope you find these links helpful!

Edna María Uribe Hoyos (COFPMLAEILE733509)

Virna Rosa Roa Escalante (COFPMLAEILE644400)

Laydy Viviana Bernal Bello (COFPMLAEILE740941)