Speaking a foreign language in public can be a traumatic experience for most learners. Learning a new language but at the same time observing others improving while getting stuck can be frustrating and a huge drawback for learning. Fear, stress and feelings of being diminished by others are variables for blocking learning and consequently not being able to communicate effectively.

Learners who resist to perform the language in front of an audience may have different reasons for doing so such as protecting self image or not having enough confidence with the language which combined with a high affective filter impede speaking skills development. Nevertheless, training students on learning strategies can have a positive impact on student’s views upon attitudes for learning and foreign language learning itself.

According to Garder and MacIntre language anxiety is fear or apprehension occurring when a learners is expected to perform in the second or foreign language. In other words, lowering anxiety can be a challenging task for both; learners and teachers.

How to deal with ; “Teacher, I pass”

Don’t personalize too much!
Some students are afraid of being too communicative on personal matters. Assigning different tasks for talking about common topics such as role playing assuming famous people’s lives would be less threatening than talking about oneself.
-Reward students progress by making contests where they have to put in practice their speaking skills in front of others so they can win some prizes.
– Getting students involved in fun activities, such as expressing silly things that make everybody laugh, or creating a crazy story in which each person of the group adds something weird or funny.
Communicate better
– Asking students to search about a topic they like and then discuss it with others in order to see what they think about it.
-Giving positive feedback every time they say something meaningful.
-Train students on language strategies as well as to have positive talks to themselves regarding their language process and being aware of their learning pace, difficulties and strengths.


In short , learners of another language face the challenge of expressing themselves intelligibly , reasonably , accurately and without too much hesitation. One of the main boundaries they have to deal with is the psychological barrier. Mainly , learners are afraid of making mistakes in front of their peers . Another factor is anxiety which stands out as one of the main influential factors for effective language learning.

Our job as teachers is to provide as many opportunities as possible for oral interaction among learners and at the same time to make positive reinforcement by making positive comments and show specific consideration to those having fear of negative evaluation when speaking. Having in mind these factors we might increase student´s self -esteem .

in other words, ESL class can’t separate cognition and affection as we’re not just providers and receivers of knowledge but human beings. Meaningful interaction is what it is to accomplish in order to reach both language and life goals as well.

Gardner, R. C., Day, B., & MacIntyre, P. D. (1992). Integrative motivation, induced anxiety, and language learning in a controlled environment.Studies in Second Language Acquisition.

(COFPMLAEILE616409) Lynda Rocio Moreno Garcia
(COFPMLAEILE743449) Fredy Augusto Lopez Rueda
(COFPMLAEILE726862) Luisa Fernanda Quintero Correa.